Academic Year 2024-2025

Intent to Plan
MS Data Privacy (approved 12/24)
MS Cyber Operations

New Program
Cyber Leadership and Intelligence Minor (approved 12/24)
Quantum Computing for Cybersecurity Minor (approved 12/24)
Cyber Operations Graduate Certificate (approved 12/24)
Gateway Certificate – Business (approved 12/24)
Gateway Certificate – Digital Technology
Gateway Certificate – Health Sciences
Digital Content Creation Minor
Literacy Instructional Coaching Certificate (joint w/SDSU)

New Specialization
Health Informatics (BS Computer Information Systems) (approved 12/24)
Cybersecurity Management (BBA Business)
Literacy Instructional Coaching (MSEd Ed & Tech)

Program Termination/Inactive Status
Health Care Coding Certificate (approved 12/24)
AS Health Informatics and Information Management (approved 12/24)
BS Health Informatics and Information Management (approved 12/24)

Substantive Program Modification
BS General Studies (admission statement) (approved 12/24)
Health Information Specialist Certificate
BS Biology, Biology Education Specialization
BS Elementary Education
BS Elementary Education/Special Education
BS Special Education
BSEd Business Education
BSEd Computer Education

Minor Program Modification
Health Informatics and Information Management Minor
BS Computer Information Systems
AS Project Management
AS Web Development
Supply Chain Management Graduate Certificate
MBA/BBA 4+1 Fast Track
BS Exercise Science
Physical Education Minor/K-12 Endorsement Program
BSEd Physical Education
BBA, Business – Marketing Specialization
Beadles Honors Program
MSAA, Business Track

Minor Course Modification
ARTD 355 Animation Studio (prerequisite, description)
DAD 482 Career Preparation (prerequisite)
BADM 732 Supply Chain Analytics (prerequisite)
BIOL 165/165L General Zoology/Lab (credits)
EDFN 300 Survey of Middle Level Education (credits, title, description)
HIM 130 Basic Medical Terminology (credits)
HIM 150 Intro to Digital HIIM (credits)
HIM 364 Revenue Cycle Management (title, prerequisite, description)
HIM 380 Digital Health Data Analytics (credits, prerequisite)
HIM 444 Digital Health Technology (prerequisites)
HIM 450 Digital HIM Research (prerequisites)
HON 102 Intro Honors: Popular Culture (title, description)
MATH 436/536 Number Theory and Cryptography (prerequisite, description)
MATH 437/537 Cryptography and Codes (prerequisite, description, title)

Revised Course Request – Common
CET/LT 712 Instructional Technology for Active Learners (USD) (title, description)
CET/LT 731 Multimedia Production (USD) (title, description)
EDFN 295 Practicum (BHSU) (credits, repeatable)
ELED 462 Teaching English as a New Language (USD) (credits)

Authority to Offer
ENGL 240 Juvenile Literature
EXCH 489 Student Exchange-International
CHIN 101 Introductory Chinese I
CHIN 102 Introductory Chinese II
RUS 101 Introductory Russian I
RUS 102 Introductory Russian II
EXS (KSM) 754 Advanced Biomechanics (USD)
GEOG 292-492 Topics

New Course Requests
CSC 275 Introduction to Quantum Computing
CSC 403 Quantum Computing Application
HON 202 Intermediate Honors Seminar
EDFN 757 Foundations of the Science of Reading
EDFN 758 Phonemic Awareness
EDFN 759 Phonics and Word Recognition
EDFN 761 Fluency Development
EDFN 762 Vocabulary Acquisition
EDFN 763 Reading Comprehension
EDFN 764 Writing as a Tool for Literacy
EDFN 766 Assessment and Data Driven Instruction
EDFN 767 Differentiated Literacy Instruction
EDFN 768 Supporting English Language Learners in Literacy
EDFN 769 Intervention for Struggling Readers
EDFN 770 Family and Community Literacy Engagement
EDFN 771 Coaching and Mentoring Teachers
EDFN 772 Literacy Instructional Leadership
EDFN 773 Technology Integration in Literacy
EDFN 774 Literacy Practices for All Students
EDFN 776 Disciplinary Literacies
EDFN 777 Advocacy for Literacy Policies and Programs
EXS 762 Biomechanical Instrumentation and Measurement
EXS 764 Sport Biomechanical
EXS 766 Scientific Methods of Biomechanics

General Education Changes
CHIN 101 and CHIN 102
RUS 101 and RUS 102