
Accessible Syllabus Template with Instructions

  1. Click the link below to open or save the template file:
  2. Based on the default settings of most browsers, the file will likely be saved to your Downloads folder. You should be able to open the file from that folder or from the bottom of some browser windows.
  3. Save the document with a meaningful and descriptive name before moving on. Be sure to save it with the .docx file extension.
  4. The template is set up with styles in a manner that will make the resulting document accessible to screen reading software. The styles include headings that result in the document having a hierarchical structure shown below. You can click View → Navigation Pane on the Word Ribbon to view this structure (you can click any of the headings in the Navigation Pane to be taken to that section in the document).
    Course Prefix, Number, and Title
    University Name
    Academic Term/Year
    Last date to Drop and receive 100% refund
    Last date to Withdraw and earn a grade of “W”
    Course Meeting Time and Location
    Instruction Information
    Phone Number(s)
    Email Address
    Office Hours
    Approved Course Description
    Catalog Description
    Additional Course Information
    Course Prerequisite(s)
    Technology Skills
    Student Learning Outcomes
    Course Materials
    Required Textbook(s)
    Required Supplementary Materials
    Optional Materials
    Course Delivery and Instructional Methods
    Communication and Feedback
    Preferred Email Contact Method
    Email Response Time
    Feedback on Assignments
    Requirements for Course Interaction
    Evaluation Procedures
    Final Examination
    Performance Standards and Grading Policy
    Tentative Course Outline and Schedule
    Student Success Services and Supports
    ADA Accommodations
    DSU Knowledge Base
    D2L Support for Students
    Classroom Policies
    Attendance and Make-up Policy
    DSU Policies
    Complaint Procedure
    Grade Appeal Policy
    Student Verification Statement and Proctoring Policy
    South Dakota Board of Regents Policy Statements
    Freedom in Learning Statement
    ADA Statement
    Academic Dishonesty and Misconduct
    Acceptable Use of Technology
    Emergency Alert Communication
  5. Now you will be able to begin filling out the fields of the accessible syllabus. This is how it should initially appear:
    Initial appearance of the syllabus template
  6. When you enter a field (when it has the focus) it will appear highlighted like the field shown above. Simply begin typing to replace the placeholder text. When you begin typing the field will be replaced by text that uses either the Normal or IndentedParagraph style.
  7. If you wish to have text appear immediately below the previous line and not in a new paragraph, you can do so by hitting Shift and Enter.
  8. After you have typed the text you want to appear in the field, you can move to the next field by pressing the (down arrow) key. You can also click on the field with the mouse to select it and begin typing.
    Partially completed
  9. The last dates that students can Drop or Withdraw from a class can be found on DSU’s Academic Calendar.
  10. For the Approved course description:, you can use the course description from the DSU Catalog.
  11. If you do not use all of the “Optional” or “Additional” sections, I suggest replacing the placeholder text with None.
  12. Links to the final exam schedule can be found on DSU’s Academic Calendar.
  13. Keep the following points in mind when adding any content to the document:
    • If you insert or paste more text at the end of the document, apply the Heading1 and Heading2 styles as appropriate. Use these steps to do so:
      1. Select the text that should be a heading.
        some text that should be a heading selected
      2. On the Home tab, click the Heading1 style in the Styles group.
        Heading 1 style selector on the home tab
      3. The text should now appear as a main heading.
        Heading 1 style applied to text
    • Any images that are inserted or pasted into the document should have an Alt Text attribute. Use these steps to add the Alt Text attribute to an image:
      1. Right click on the image and choose the View Alt Text… option (or select the image, click the Picture Format tab, and then click the Alt Text button):
        Alt Text pane with instructions included as text
      2. Alt Text provides alternative, text-based representations of the information contained in tables, diagrams, images, and other objects. This information is useful for people with vision or cognitive impairments who may not be able to see or understand the object.
  14. To ensure that the document is free of accessibility errors after it has been completed, click the Review tab and then the Check Accessibility button:
    Check Accessibility button on the Review tab
    The Accessibility pane should appear on the right side of the window. If the document is free of accessibility issues, the Accessibility Inspection Results will display the message shown below:
    Accessibility Inspection Results showing that the document is free of accessibility issues.